

*my little life adventures*

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Location: Beautiful Southern, Utah

I'm Sara, and in my late 20's. I am married to my best friend, Jim. We have two little cuties, Natalie and Chloe. I am lucky to be able to stay home with my girls and also work at something I completely love- digital scrapbook design!

Sunday, February 5

HTML- definately a foreign language!

AAAAAARRG! That is all I have to say! Well maybe I have a little more then that to say! I thought that I would be able to make an awesome looking blog, after all, I HAVE been putting together my own little website. Yes, it has been on Frontpage BUT I have been able to tweek some coding stuff to change little things here and there! So I decide to do some cool stuff to my blog- HA! It is totally different then tweeking a few things in Frontpage! After studying the code *FOR HOURS*, well ok not hours but you know, I decided to just write a post and forget it for now!


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