

*my little life adventures*

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Location: Beautiful Southern, Utah

I'm Sara, and in my late 20's. I am married to my best friend, Jim. We have two little cuties, Natalie and Chloe. I am lucky to be able to stay home with my girls and also work at something I completely love- digital scrapbook design!

Thursday, September 28

Virtual Throw-Up

Sometimes I am just so tired of everything! Tired of dealing with stuff. Tired of being sucky. Tired of not being good enough. Tired of my life. Did I somehow get stuck in the wrong life? What would it be like if I had made other choices up to now? Would I be feeling like I just am not good enough for anything if I had done something different with my life? I just want to go... somewhere. Somewhere away from here. I feel like I am not a good enough wife... I'm not a good enough mother.. Definitely not a good designer. I want out.


Blogger Petra said...

Oh sarah you're a sweetheart...What's wrong??
I love you as a designer, you do a great job!! One of the reasons I applied for you CT, and always love hearing from you...And when you get out a lovely new kit, I'm always so pleased working for you!! You're great in your special way...I don't know but you seem like such a sweet mom, writing those lovely things about your kids. Hope this feeling will pass and you'll feel better...really don't want you to quit!!
Big Hugs!!!

29/9/06 1:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey my seester. You're having a rough time.. I am sorry. I'm sorry you don't feel good enough, and I'm sorry you feel trapped. I love you so much, and I know you're a kick-patootie mom. And I know that I'm not the only one that thinks that. You're a dam good wife too. Jason would be lucky to have a wife that takes care of him like you take care of Jim. I'm sorry you don't feel appreciated. Jason says he thinks you're hot, and he hopes that makes you feel better. I'm so glad you're my big sister. I hope you feel better soon, and find a way to do something you want to do, and regain some control and happiness. If there is anything I can do.. please tell me. Love you... c

29/9/06 2:28 PM  
Blogger Royanna Fritschmann said...

Sweetheart! You are one person I look up to as a designer....from the minute you came to 3S.....I would be in awe of your work! Never tell yourself you are not good are beyond FABULOUS! Find peace in your heart, and take care of you.

29/9/06 5:38 PM  
Blogger Raji said...

Oh, Sara, I'm sorry that you are feeling like this ): You are a great designer, I love your stuff, your designs are getting better & better with each new kit. (((Hugs))) hope you are feeling better now.

1/10/06 5:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sara! I think your stuff is really beautiful...just because you didn't get into the apprentice doesn't mean diddly...they're looking for a certain style and it's not YOUR style. You have your own keep going at it. BTW, you have always had nice stuff since you were first at 3Scrapateers...

3/10/06 7:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. You have your own style and its awesome! You are one of the very best! Keep those kit coming,girl.


5/10/06 6:30 AM  

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