

*my little life adventures*

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Location: Beautiful Southern, Utah

I'm Sara, and in my late 20's. I am married to my best friend, Jim. We have two little cuties, Natalie and Chloe. I am lucky to be able to stay home with my girls and also work at something I completely love- digital scrapbook design!

Sunday, June 4

Neglected and abandoned

Yep that is what my blog has been! Life went from the same old, same old everyday to too busy to even post. Life has settled a little altho I should be doing something or maybe just sleeping... hmmmm.

First of all, we (hubby, me and daughter) went for a little mini-vacation to Colorado. And I mean mini! It was all of 2 days but it was great!! We wanted to have a little get-away before this next baby comes! First day we went shopping and stayed the night at my aunt's house then the next day we drove to a beautiful little town called Ouray. We soaked in the hotsprings (werent too hot tho!), played on the little play ground and had a picnic. Then took the scenic route home. Natalie did great for the whole trip. I really enjoyed just relaxing and enjoying time with my little family!!

The next big thing, is moving! Moving at 38 weeks pregnant probably wasn't the bestest of ideas but I am definately thankful to be in a bigger home. We helped move my husband's grandpa into my in-laws home, packed and cleaned like mad. Then moved in. Our old home still has odds and ends and a bunch of unwanted junk and needs cleaned, but thankfully the majority of moving is done!

Now I just need to get the last minute things done and ready for this little one to be born! I still haven't packed bags for the hospital- I really need to do that so I'm not trying to remember what I need to take as we are rushing out the door to the hospital!

Guess I should go do something productive! ...maybe. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

About durn time!! I been wondering when in the world you were gonna start posting again. Holy muffin Sister... you better get your bags packed! And while you're at it, how 'bout giving me a date that you'll deliver so that I can plan a little better ;)

7/6/06 8:51 PM  

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