

*my little life adventures*

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Location: Beautiful Southern, Utah

I'm Sara, and in my late 20's. I am married to my best friend, Jim. We have two little cuties, Natalie and Chloe. I am lucky to be able to stay home with my girls and also work at something I completely love- digital scrapbook design!

Saturday, February 25

Knitting projects

This is my first finished knitting project!! Woo Hoo!! It has actually been done for a month now but I finally got a photo taken. It is a scarf made from Lion Brand Homespun yarn and size 11 needles. I was a little disappointed when after knitting a little bit, the color started changing from a blue, red, and cream to a purple then to a pink! I didn't notice the change of color in the skein when I bought it. Oh well, I will definately look closer when buying yarn from now on. I knit beads into the ends of the scarf and am happy with how that turned out!

I have been taking a knitting class this month and have learned a TON! I am very glad that I took it! She teaches Continental knitting (yarn in left hand) and I definately like that better then the English (yarn in right hand) way! I have learned a little about increase and decrease. How to change color and a little about Intarsia (making designs with different colors). Next week is the last week and we will learn about finishing a project. We were supposed to have made a hat in the class but most people were just barely learning the very basics of knitting. Glad I knew a little before the class started!

These are all my started projects. The top, in orange and purple, is the hat I started for my class. Under it, is a scarf for my grandma. She saw my scarf and loved it so she picked out some yarn for me to make her one. The cranberry, blue, and green will be a purse. It is a little wild but I have been wanting a knitted purse and I loved the yarn! It is wool and cotton with a strand of shiney acrylic wrapped around it! The bottom project is a scarf for my sister. It is really think and soft and will be really warm with the black yarn being part wool! I have been working on the scarves like mad so I can get them done before it is too warm to need a scarf!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woo HOO! My scarf is going to be famous!!! Yep... all the other people reading this had better get in line baby, 'cause now that my scarf is famous... everyone else will all want one too!!!

25/2/06 3:27 PM  

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