

*my little life adventures*

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Location: Beautiful Southern, Utah

I'm Sara, and in my late 20's. I am married to my best friend, Jim. We have two little cuties, Natalie and Chloe. I am lucky to be able to stay home with my girls and also work at something I completely love- digital scrapbook design!

Wednesday, September 6

Once again...

Once again it has been too long since I posted. I always think that I am going to do better and post more often. I really do want to! But life flows by and it doesn't get done. I will try harder!

Had to update the look. You like it?

I have been busy lately! Besides keeping up with my little cuties (did you see their photo in my new blog banner??), I have started selling at a new site!! Plain Digital Wrapper!! Wooohooo!! Can you tell I am excited about that? Heheh. I just love it there! So I have been learning the ropes of a new site and learning a new store system for 3Scrapateers. I think I got it down though! :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cute Cute Cute. Cute kids, Cute design, Cute! Hey I miss you guys.. we're hoping to be over for Thanksgiving... but it seems so far off! Anyhow... love the new layout, and the colors, etc. You are magnificently talented. love you!

8/9/06 8:23 PM  

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