

*my little life adventures*

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Location: Beautiful Southern, Utah

I'm Sara, and in my late 20's. I am married to my best friend, Jim. We have two little cuties, Natalie and Chloe. I am lucky to be able to stay home with my girls and also work at something I completely love- digital scrapbook design!

Sunday, October 1

It will be okay... eventually.

My last post was... well it was how I was feeling at the time! It seems like at times everything just hits you all at once and then multiples.

Just to let you know, I'm not planning to quit designing...yet. I am disappointed to say that I didn't even make it to the second round of the Scrapartist Aprentice Challenge. Sometimes I just want to shout "HEY look at my designs.. they are just as good as some of the "big names" out there.. just give me a chance!" Then other times I think "Hmmm I must suck." (especially if I didn't even make it to round 2!) My sales have been WAY low lately and that hasn't helped either.

I have decided to go to selling exclusively at Plain Digital Wrapper and devote all my desinging energy there. That is effective today.

I think that part of the trouble is that I have been stressing and being overwhelmed by all the scrapping stuff that my whole priorities have been thrown off. Any kind of spiritual life has been almost nonexistant and other things have take the place of my family priorities. I need to set those straight and life will be better! Family will be better and designing will be better. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scrapartist made a big....mistake not letting you go on to round 2. You don't need them. You make awesome kits, so please don't ever give up.
I understand the priority thing, I am having that problem myself. But God and family have to come first. If I was not living on a very limited income, because of raising 3 grand daughters, I would buy ever kit you make. If you ever have a CT call hope I can apply. :) Loved working with your kits for RAKscraps sponsor.

5/10/06 6:25 AM  
Blogger Raji said...

Oh, Sara, glad to know that you are feeling better. I'm so sorry that you didn't make it to round 2, but regardless of that you are a great designer, you know that I love working with your stuff.

11/10/06 4:19 AM  
Blogger Meredith said...

I am honestly surprised that you didn't make it round 2. I downloaded and "inspected" a lot of the kits that were offered for the contest and ended up deleting a good number of them. There were very few that I felt measured up. I like the products that they sell at ScrapArtist. BUT, almost everything there has a certain style to it. I swear that a lot of their kits are just recolored versions of other kits... not necessarily a bad thing, just not a whole lot of variety. My personal feeling on their apprentice search is that they are looking for another designer to turn into another clone. Not necessarily a bad thing, because their designs are beautiful, but I don't think you would like that. Your designs are unique and beautiful and shouldn't be changed! I am grateful for the opportunity to work with you. :) And I think everyone's sales are down right now... just that time of year. Even my measly little scrapping budget has been sliced and diced this month! :) not even enough left to buy an element pack! :) BUT, I agree that once you get your spiritual and family life back in focus, everything else will balance. I'm going to go before I start writing the Great American Novel! :)

14/10/06 12:39 PM  

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