

*my little life adventures*

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Location: Beautiful Southern, Utah

I'm Sara, and in my late 20's. I am married to my best friend, Jim. We have two little cuties, Natalie and Chloe. I am lucky to be able to stay home with my girls and also work at something I completely love- digital scrapbook design!

Saturday, April 19

Embarrasing Shopping...

You know, I really don't like that they have such high shelves in the grocery store! The other day I was shopping and there were some really great sales. Buy 10 of certain items (that were on sale in the first place! woo) and get $5 off. So I was going through picking my 10 items and spotted one that I reeeeealy wanted on the top shelf in the freezer section. Not only was it on the top shelf but many other people wanted that item and so most of it was gone. No problem, theres a couple left waaay up there. I look around, the store is fairly busy but maybe no one will notice if I just step up on the freezer and grab what I want really quick. So I hang on to the door, hop up to grab what I need and bumped the boxes in the next row. Half of them go flying out , making a loud noise as they hit the floor. Sheepishly I step down, try to hide behind my cart and pick up my mess. I quickly zoomed my cart away without my coveted items. A few days later I went back to try to get some which thankfully had been restocked. As I was putting them in my cart, I heard a great crashing noise. I look over as a guy is madly trying to catch a display of large empty water jugs that he had bumped. I just had to giggle and be glad it wasn't me that time!

Here are a couple layouts :)


Blogger Cari Bou said...

Ohhhh I hate that! lol.. they should have step ladders for us shorties! I like to take Adam with me when I shop just to grab those tall shelved items.. :D

22/4/08 6:32 PM  

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