Stuff and some layouts
Haven't blogged forever but really that is nothing new! lol Here's a long one so be prepared! :)
I have actually been doing some scrapping! Woohoo! Here are a couple of them:

In other news....
Chloe turned one last week!! I can't believe how fast time is flying by! We had a fun little birthday party for her with a bunch of family at the park. She was a little timid with the cake at first, but it didn't take her long to start digging right in! She is adorable! :)
Natalie is really getting big! It is so fun to see little ones develop! I can see her thought processes are starting to mature and she putting things together in her little mind. We really have to watch what we say around her now! hehe
Ya know I *LOVE* being able to say at home with my cuties! (that on top of being able to make some money doing something creative is awesome too!) Seeing them learn and grow, training them, loving them, cuddling them and just having fun with them is really the best thing that I could imagine doing right now! Sure things get frustrating but really the benefits far out weigh that! I can't even imagine having to send them to a baby sitter and going to work all day while someone else raises my girls! People look down on stay-at-home-moms and it really REALLY makes me mad! .... I could SO get on a soapbox and go on and on about this but I think I will just leave it at that! ;)
I have actually been doing some scrapping! Woohoo! Here are a couple of them:

In other news....
Chloe turned one last week!! I can't believe how fast time is flying by! We had a fun little birthday party for her with a bunch of family at the park. She was a little timid with the cake at first, but it didn't take her long to start digging right in! She is adorable! :)
Natalie is really getting big! It is so fun to see little ones develop! I can see her thought processes are starting to mature and she putting things together in her little mind. We really have to watch what we say around her now! hehe
Ya know I *LOVE* being able to say at home with my cuties! (that on top of being able to make some money doing something creative is awesome too!) Seeing them learn and grow, training them, loving them, cuddling them and just having fun with them is really the best thing that I could imagine doing right now! Sure things get frustrating but really the benefits far out weigh that! I can't even imagine having to send them to a baby sitter and going to work all day while someone else raises my girls! People look down on stay-at-home-moms and it really REALLY makes me mad! .... I could SO get on a soapbox and go on and on about this but I think I will just leave it at that! ;)