

*my little life adventures*

My Photo
Location: Beautiful Southern, Utah

I'm Sara, and in my late 20's. I am married to my best friend, Jim. We have two little cuties, Natalie and Chloe. I am lucky to be able to stay home with my girls and also work at something I completely love- digital scrapbook design!

Tuesday, February 28

Creative team call....

I have been so busy posting my Creative Team call everywhere, but I totally didn't think to post it here. Not that many people even read my blog but that is beside the point. Here it is:

Do you love my designs? Do you want them for free? Would you like to help me promote my products with your awesome layouts??

Here are my expectations:
*I would like you to use at least 2 kits per month of your choice. If you get the
minimum requirements done you can definately request more kits, within reason. (I
usually have 1 new kit per week)

*You will need to complete 2 layouts for each kit you request. You can do other forms
of digital or altered art to complete this assignment.

*I would like you to post your assignments on:
-two other sites of your choice
-digital scrapping yahoo group. (I have a list of a few if you need it).
It would be great if you wanted to submit your layout to (this is for magazine publication) but is not a requirement.

*You will need to write a kit review and post it in the store at 3Scrapateers.

*After the assignment is done and posted, you will need to email me with the links
and info.

*I don't require that you be exclusive to my team.

If you are still interested in applying for my team, email the following to

*What other CT you are on if any
*Links to your gallery
*A brief bio

I look forward to hearing from you. Please send your info by March 8. I will announce
my team on March 12. Feel free to ask any other questions and I'll try to answer them. :)

Saturday, February 25

Knitting projects

This is my first finished knitting project!! Woo Hoo!! It has actually been done for a month now but I finally got a photo taken. It is a scarf made from Lion Brand Homespun yarn and size 11 needles. I was a little disappointed when after knitting a little bit, the color started changing from a blue, red, and cream to a purple then to a pink! I didn't notice the change of color in the skein when I bought it. Oh well, I will definately look closer when buying yarn from now on. I knit beads into the ends of the scarf and am happy with how that turned out!

I have been taking a knitting class this month and have learned a TON! I am very glad that I took it! She teaches Continental knitting (yarn in left hand) and I definately like that better then the English (yarn in right hand) way! I have learned a little about increase and decrease. How to change color and a little about Intarsia (making designs with different colors). Next week is the last week and we will learn about finishing a project. We were supposed to have made a hat in the class but most people were just barely learning the very basics of knitting. Glad I knew a little before the class started!

These are all my started projects. The top, in orange and purple, is the hat I started for my class. Under it, is a scarf for my grandma. She saw my scarf and loved it so she picked out some yarn for me to make her one. The cranberry, blue, and green will be a purse. It is a little wild but I have been wanting a knitted purse and I loved the yarn! It is wool and cotton with a strand of shiney acrylic wrapped around it! The bottom project is a scarf for my sister. It is really think and soft and will be really warm with the black yarn being part wool! I have been working on the scarves like mad so I can get them done before it is too warm to need a scarf!

Tuesday, February 21

Lotsa life stuff...

You know those times when it seems like alot is happening all at once but you really think about it and it is just one major thing and then all the other everyday things are just kinda bunched up around that one thing? Maybe you dont know what I mean but that is kinda how it has been lately! Gran, my grandma, had to go to the hospital for chest pain this weekend. There is definately something going on because the pains are not going away. She has an appt with a cardiologist to hopefully find out what is really happening. There is a lot of heart problems in her family so this all is very scary! As I just read back on what I wrote, it really lacks emotion but dont let the typed word fool you!

You want to know what one of the best mood lifters is? Getting a Veggie Burger and fries from Burger King, sharing it with an adorable 17 month old, then playing at a park together! My daughter and I did this last week after my post about inspiration block, and thinking about it right now just makes me smile! I really need to do more things like this with her. It is great to have those special memories to look back on durring the not so great times! :)

Friday, February 17


I saw this awesome blog on the 'Blogs of Note' today: This woman packs a nutritous, unique, vegan lunch for her son everyday, then posts a photo, discription, and child rating of the lunch. I spent way too much time looking at all the cool lunches!

We are mostly vegan ourselves. I say mostly because, altho soy and rice icecream is really good, who can resist Ben and Jerry's once in a while?? (Right Darcy! ;) And I love omlets and egg sandwhiches, and a few other things!!

This blog got me to thinking about my own lunches (or any meals!)- most of them look WAY too similar!! Now I am inspired to do a little more work and have some variety, instead of the same old thing. We'll see how long that lasts! :)

Wednesday, February 15

Inspiration Block!!

Don't ya just hate it when you really should be working on something and you just are NOT INSPIRED??? I haven't gotten a new digi kit up in the store for a week and a half and I am just not inspired! Oh I have tried!! I have 3 kits started and multiple color swatches made, but nothing is really jumping out at me saying WORK ON ME, I WILL BE A GREAT KIT!! It is probably because my last kit WAS AWESOME (in my not so humble opinion) and I feel that I just can't top it right now- I don't know! So I sit here at the computer staring blankly at photoshop, and decide maybe I'll do something else- blog, surf, knit, sleep. But really, nothing else sounds exciting either! Just one of thoe days, I guess.

Friday, February 10

Spring revelation and wool blend socks.

I just had a revelation! I AM READY FOR SPRING!! Why else would I have been standing at my closet after my shower, my space heater going full blast, looking lustfully at my tanktops?? Because....I AM READY FOR SPRING!! That can really be the only reason. The only thing I like about winter is being able to wear my favorite sweaters , wool socks and drinking hot chocolate, but you know what- I am truly ready to put those things away- I AM READY FOR SPRING!!

{Speaking of wool socks, have you noticed that you can't really buy WOOL SOCKS any more (like at Walmart and Target) OH you can buy wool blend socks (contains: 98% acrylic, 2% wool)but that IS NOT wool socks!! That is not even WORTHY of being called wool socks!! *Stepping off my soapbox*}


~sitting here *slightly chilly* in my tanktop and wool blend socks.

Thursday, February 9

Wrong color?!?

Well I guess I picked the wrong colors for my blog- Oh well, I like my colors! :)

Speaking of color... Purple (and blue) probably would have been the color of choice a year ago. I was always drawn to those colors. But lately I have been drawn to {pinks} {yellows} {reds} and even {oranges}! Not sure why exactly... I just am!
Your Blog Should Be Purple

You're an expressive, offbeat blogger who tends to write about anything and everything.
You tend to set blogging trends, and you're the most likely to write your own meme or survey.
You are a bit distant though. Your blog is all about you - not what anyone else has to say.

I'm not sure I really like that last part... "Your blog is all about you - not what anyone else has to say." If anyone has any comments or suggestions, I am definately open to hearing them! :)

Wednesday, February 8

BABY... daddy... mommy... nannie

I just have to say that my daughter, Natalie is the *{CUTEST}* little thing in the whole wide world!! She was on my lap earlier (durring part of my blog designing binge) and she saw our family photo on the blog header. Any time she sees any kind of picture of a person, she shouts "BABY!!" After that, she spotted "DADDY". I had to ask her who I was in the photo (She doesnt say mommy much and if she does, it is mamamama) "is that mommy?" I asked her. "MOMMY!" she said perfectly! *Insert huge grin from 'mommy' here!* THEN I asked "is that Natalie?" "NANNIE!" I guess Natalie would be a little hard for a 17 month old to say. She has been trying all kinds of words lately. She is just adorable! *sigh* :)

I've gotta STOP!!!

Now that I have spent practically three days on my blog, customizing and designing, I *think* I am done messing with it! BUT who knows I may get another idea and just *HAVE* to try it out! :) I really do need to work on my current digi kit - it has been sadly neglected while I have been on my blog binge!

Monday, February 6

Not so foreign afterall!

I don't know what my problem was last night because I was able to get my blog customized today. My brain must have been foggy or something {did someone drug me??}. I am pretty excited about the look of my blog so far! WoooHoooo! I just need to get an image made for the top!

Sunday, February 5

HTML- definately a foreign language!

AAAAAARRG! That is all I have to say! Well maybe I have a little more then that to say! I thought that I would be able to make an awesome looking blog, after all, I HAVE been putting together my own little website. Yes, it has been on Frontpage BUT I have been able to tweek some coding stuff to change little things here and there! So I decide to do some cool stuff to my blog- HA! It is totally different then tweeking a few things in Frontpage! After studying the code *FOR HOURS*, well ok not hours but you know, I decided to just write a post and forget it for now!

Friday, February 3

Jumping off the blog bridge!

I have resisted the blog bridge for a very long time! {You know, if your friends were jumping off a bridge would you do it too??} I don't need a blog. I don't even keep up with a journal or diary, how would I keep up with a blog?? But peer pressure has gotten to me! I have asked myself over and over- DO I REALLY NEED A BLOG?? Well I guess the answer is yes, because here I am!