

*my little life adventures*

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Location: Beautiful Southern, Utah

I'm Sara, and in my late 20's. I am married to my best friend, Jim. We have two little cuties, Natalie and Chloe. I am lucky to be able to stay home with my girls and also work at something I completely love- digital scrapbook design!

Wednesday, August 9


Things are going by just WAY too fast!!

Natalie peeled a baby orange (clemintine) all by herself- yes, ALL BY HERSELF!! She shouldn't be able to do that - along with putting on her own shoes, being able to say "Wuv-vu Daddy" and being able to put away all the cereal boxes all by herself! Last I looked she was just a baby! Now she is a busy, intellegent, sweet lil two year old!

Things just go by way too fast!!

On top of that, my newborn is already 8 weeks. She is grinning and cooing and holding up her head quite well. She is adorable!

Things just go by way too fast!!

Wednesday, August 2


Has it really been THAT long since I have blogged?? Yep, it has! I am a bad blogger! {Unlike my sis, who posts one or more a day!! :) } But I guess I have a little bit of an excuse!

That is my cute lil excuse for not blogging. But really its not much of an excuse because she is such a GOOD baby!! She is such a sweet, layed back lil thing! {Which is good with such a busy big sister that she has!}

The labor was loooooong and light then HARD and fast!

Ok, so that is probably hard to read so here is what it says:
Around 12:30 in the morning, the contractions are finally getting about 5 minutes apart and hard enough that I definately can’t rest. I wake up Jim and we get ready to go to the hospital. I call my mom while he gets his mom to come take care of Natalie.At the hospital, I get into the gown and the nurse, Kelsey, examins me. At a little after 1:00, I am only 4cm dialated. I think back to the day before. I had awaken to find that I was bleading. Of course panic set in- bleading durring pregnancy is not a good thing, right? I went to the doctor and found out that I was losing my mucus plug and that I could go into labor that day or in a week. My mom and I decided to go shoping for a few things. At about 10:00 in Alco, my first real contraction begun. (I had been having Braxton Hicks for months now.) About 20-30 minutes later I had another.This continued throughout the whole day. Cari, my sister, got here in the afternoon and things hadn’t changed much. We decided to go for a walk. That seemed to help a little. Finally, at about 10pm, the contractions were getting a little closer and harder. Back at the hospital, I walk the dark halls with Cari, and try sitting on the birthing ball. My contractions start being more in the back and not as often.Kelsey checks again. Still only 4cm and the baby’s head wasn’t in the right place. It seems that she has turned and is facing the front. So I get on my hands and knees on the bed to see if that would help her turn to facing the back. Back labor starts to really get harder. I am so thankful that Jim was there to help me!My contractions get closer and alot more intense.At 3:56am Kelsey checks and I am STILL only 4.5cm. I get on the birthing ball to see if that will help. Soon I feel a lot of pressure and start to wonder if I will be able to handle the contractions anymore. I feel a small urge to push but Kelsey tells me that I have to be sure to be all the way dialated or the presure on my cervix would cause it to swell and I would have to stop pushing till the swelling went down. She checks me at 4:14 and I am already 9.5cm! Four minutes later, my water breaks.The urge to push is stronger then ever before. I am told not to push yet. I am worried about swelling. I don’t know how to deal with this. I search Jim’s face for help and reasurance. There is just no stopping it, I HAVE to push! The baby’s head is born. The cord is loosly around the neck and out comes an arm. One more push and at 4:22am Chloe is born!!
Two seconds later Dr. Andrew comes rushing in. I am amazed that she was born so quickly and can hardly believe that I am actually holding her in my arms! She is so tiny, yet so perfect! So adorable and special. Jim and I are instantly in love with this little human being!

That is probably enough for one post! :)

Well have to add this: Remember the post about a friend adopting a little one around the same time that I was to have my little one? Well it fell through (for the second time) and I just feel so bad for her!! But I know that just the right thing will come along!!